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Don't even try

Don't even try
to die
Cause if, I'll cry
I'll cry far too much
when I don't feel your touch
I think that life is just a horrible story about life and dead
That what's in my head

Don’t even try
to die
I love you too much
and I need your touch
Cause if you die
I’m gonna cry
until you stand up again
And if you don’t
I’ll kill myself… well I think I will. I’m not sure. Well, if you’re dead already, you won’t even be sad if I die. Hm, I think I maybe will stay alive some more days, perhaps years, after your dead. Oh, I’m sorry, you wouldn’t hear that…

I’ll cry if you die
so don’t even try
to die

Skriven av Elin, 13 år från Kristianstad.
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